Directed by: #MattBraunsdorf
Written by: #JonathanMarballi
Starring: #PaigeLindsayBetts, #JonathanMarballi, #JeremyMichaels

We all know the machine uprising is coming. The day when artificial intelligence creates an army of robots to wipe out mankind—like in #TheTerminator! But it'll likely begin with a series of annoyances, as the #technology we trust to get us home or deliver us food, instead, brings us crashing back into contact with our exes. I mean, can you imagine anything more embarrassing? Uber Ex is that warning and serves as a sublime examination of #technology's influence and consequences on #moderndating.
Of course, within minutes of the film starting, you'll realise it's nothing like the terror-inducing, pre-apocalyptic ex-girlfriend/boyfriend scenario I just described. But the underlying idea is there. We all embrace our technology and the convenience it brings us, but we don't often consider how much information companies can obtain about us through our use of apps, search engines, our shopping habits or our phone book.
I'm not suggesting the #Uber app sends Lev (Jeremy Michaels) to pick up Dave (Jonathan Marballi) and his date, Kate (Paige Lindsay Betts), purposefully because it knows he's Kate's ex-boyfriend. But it's an intriguing concept, and intentional or not, that's what happens. The following car ride to Dave's house plays out like a prolonged tug of war for Kate's affection between Dave and Lev; as she flutters between the two men.
Dave is financially stable and supportive, but also a little dull. Lev, on the other hand, is attractive and “fun” (he does drugs), but also has a crap personality. Kate is torn between them. Personally, I don't know why. But she clearly has unresolved feelings for Lev and just isn't sure about how much she actually likes Dave.
Performances from all three actors are phenomenal and Marballi’s #script is an absolute delight. There's flirting, reminiscing, tenderness, general twattery, and humour; understated and witty. I loved everything about the performances in this film; and seeing Marballi, Betts and Michaels bounce off of one another is truly inspired.
Aesthetically the film is fairly basic. But the #cinematography from #AndyBond is wholly adequate for what the film demands, and #JaredDymbort's #soundtrack serves as a marvellous accompaniment to the story.
For a film which doesn't take itself too seriously, Uber Ex has the uncanny ability to really hit you in the feels; particularly around the third act. There's a genuine tenderness in the way it treats and develops its characters, and the final scene will tug at your heartstrings in a way you will not have expected. And whilst the film’s primary thinking is technology’s influence on #modernlife, it's also a celebration of humanity, which rarely misses a beat.