February is an important month in the cinematic calendar (what with the Oscars and all that). However, it will now be even richer for being the same month that a brand new UK Film Magazine was born - UKFR.

Packed full of movie reviews, filmmaker features, and cinematic chat, we wanted to give our readers another way to enjoy some of the content we have on the site.
In the first edition, we have included a fantastic selection of reviews from this year's International Film Festival Rotterdam (#IFFR) - from the UK Film Review house critic Nathanial Eker. His coverage included some incredible movies from this year's #filmfestival - and we have displayed them gloriously in our UK Film Magazine.
Work is well on the way for our second edition, which will cover movies being released in March 2020 (including reviews from George and Hope AKA Maddwolf), as well as a new selection of exclusive filmmaker interviews - known as Twinterviews. This is due to them being carried out on Twitter by our Editor-in-Chief Chris Olson. We can't yet reveal whom, but let's just say we have something special in store for those who buy and subscribe to our film magazine.
Speaking of which, click the button below to visit our dedicated page where you can buy the mag as well as SUBSCRIBE so you get first access to future editions. The current price of the UK Film Review Magazine is just £1 - and you can't say fairer than that.
That's all for now folks - stay tuned for more from us.