★ Stars
Directed by: #DaveNeedham
Written by: #KevinSullivan, #ChrisViscardi, (based on characters by) #ChrisSavino
Starring: #AsherBishop, #DavidTennant, #MichelleGomez, #JillTalley, #BrianStepanek

”With his parents and all 10 sisters in tow, Lincoln Loud heads to Scotland and learns that royalty runs in the family in this global musical journey.”
It didn’t seem fair for me to dive straight into The Loud House Movie without knowing a bit more about the show that these characters originate from. The Loud House starts off with a good run of episodes, letting its audience grasp onto the personalities of so many members of the family. However, the writing becomes weaker and weaker as the episodes then continue. For the most part, the writing eventually evokes more frustration rather than joy from this lighthearted cartoon. Each episode begins to feel quite repetitive; they carry the same type of structure to the story and the predictability becomes almost overwhelming, overriding any other viewer perspectives attached to each episode.
Despite the show being centred around the family themselves, the relationships between siblings aren’t explored efficiently through interactions. A very confusing writing choice to say the least. Plus, any main interactions that are had are ones that harm the main character (the one brother out of ten sisters) Lincoln and are far from benefiting the story or opinions of those watching. The Loud House drags a lot of disappointment behind it by the end since the animation is so eye catching and colourful, as well as smoothly edited throughout.
Alright, moving on to talk about The Loud House Movie now that we have the basis covered – the film doesn’t connect to the show’s storyline but sadly, in my opinion, it’s actually worse than what you are left with as you make your way through each episode. Scottish royalty, dragons, ghosts; and why? I don’t know. I have absolutely no idea of the purpose of this film. The plot gradually expands to reach new levels of obscurity. Obscurity is highly welcomed in my life but not when it’s a negative form of it. Obscurity is meant to lead to excitement and creative ideas, not… a path that ends in no substance whatsoever.
The starting point of The Loud House Movie presents the upcoming content as the typical “I’m not good enough, I simply follow in the shadows of those around me” storyline but even this is carried through in the most ridiculous way possible. Lincoln appears to pride himself in helping his family and supporting them throughout their individual projects and schedules, then five minutes later he is weeping about not being recognised for such efforts. He is being recognised though, his parents praise him and so and so forth; it left me feeling somewhat annoyed by how Lincoln’s characterisation has been written for the film as his stance comes out a bit self-centred. Again, we are all watching something that is based around family, right? So why dismiss the kindness and bonding between them with a primitive writing framework?
Lastly, since I knew that the film would have some snazzy musical numbers I was hoping that those sections would be able to uplift my viewing experience. To my disappointment, they totally didn’t. Much younger children might enjoy the musical aspect though and can use that to their advantage to immerse themselves in the film more if they are able to blissfully move past the strange plot setup. There’s a cute dragon, that kept me occupied anyway.
I’d recommend The Loud House Movie for a much younger generation of kiddos to watch rather than it being a ‘fun with the family’ movie night type of viewing, which is honestly hilarious to me since the premise here is family. The animation is truly amazing to watch unfold however and I definitely have to praise the crew for that; the colours and range of distinctive features for each character makes this a great watch for the eyes but the writing unfortunately doesn’t tingle any other senses in the same way.