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The Body - Short film review

Brian Penn


Written and Directed by: #AdamWeber

Film review by: Brian Penn


Imagine if you will a deserted highway deep in the middle of nowhere. A blood splattered body lies motionless on the tarmac lit by the solitary headlights of an anonymous vehicle. Darryl (Marc Clement) has to dispose of the body and is waiting for newly appointed accomplice Stevo (Anton Schrama) to arrive.

Apparently new to the job Stevo is wearing a white sterile suit teamed with a high visibility jacket. The need for discretion has sailed over his head as a host of movies begin to play in his imagination. The apprentice hasn’t read the memo as he brings a variety of items with him that aren’t entirely appropriate for the job in hand. Darryl frantically spins through his text messages for inspiration and a Plan B.

The Body is a remarkably compact and well-paced feature with a delicious line in dark humour. The setup easily facilitates a back story without the need for excessive detail; so screen time is used with great economy and maximum effect. There are some genuinely funny moments as the experienced criminal despairs at the antics of a child trapped in a man’s body. Stevo can hardly believe he’s been let out to play with the big boys; but Darryl’s problems are beginning to multiply as every second ticks by. The narrative benefits from some great comic tension as it moves towards a punchline that kicks like a mule.

The film delivers an unexpected ending to the story with a naturally difficult finale. But Adam Weber pulls it off with a self-assured style that is impressive by its very simplicity. Whilst film goers have been confronted with this scenario on countless occasions the key as always is in the execution. The world weary henchman lumbered with the trigger happy rookie is familiar territory; but like the best jokes you don’t necessarily rely on the content but more the way you tell them.

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