★★★★ Stars
Directed by: #LeifJohnson
Written by: #LeifJohnson
Starring: #LisaRonaghan, #FrancescaReid, #WillClempner, #LeoMates, #JamNorman

Satisfaction is a short comedy film set in the English countryside in 1791. The story focuses upon two men named Joshua Crampton (Will Clempner) and Thomas Arnold (Leo Mates.) The two met each other’s gaze on rough terms, resulting in a duel being scheduled to take place between them. However, Crampton’s sister, Emma Crampton (Francesca Reid,) and Arnold’s betrothed, Victoria Wycombe (Lisa Ronaghan,) are extremely excited for said duel… hoping that, together, they can eventually escape this gentleman’s game in more ways than one.
A film is comprised of many elements but it cannot successfully secure the attention of audience members without a striking script; Leif Johnson’s writing has gained all attention with colourful delight! Great dialogue, witty and rememberable remarks made by each character, a perfect blend between the modern approaches to life and speech of today as well as the more harsh atmosphere of the unbalanced society in the 1700s. This short film made me smile extremely wide and laugh with my whole body because of its dazzling comedic writing which was, of course, a wonderful experience to have in the midst of the world slightly crumbling around us right now.
The director of photography, Howard Mills, shows high-ranking levels of talent as the cinematography is completely captivating from start to finish. The fact that the cinematography shots matched with the comedic environment the short has created also impressed me greatly – both aspects fit like puzzle pieces, braiding together with really no faults in each strand.
The editing, by Pieter Westerhof, is another facet of this short film that should be highly praised. It carries a sophisticated yet playful style, once again interlacing the atmosphere of the plot’s setting and the paired comedy. The editing is the last remaining puzzle piece here, finishing off the film to present a polished and attractive final product.
The range of acting positions seen throughout is outstanding overall. All cast members have a natural approach in front of the camera and appear comfortable within the characters they play, creating an upbeat ambience — even when characters are pointing loaded pistols at each other. The enthusiasm and energy each scene is packed with makes this short even better; the cast beautifully enhances the writing with their beaming abilities.
Satisfaction gives its audience a story that is tremendously conveyed, intertwining many intriguing plot segments through its duration. It is a short film filled with nothing but joy, laughter and amazing filmmaking skill; it may be one of my favourites that I’ve seen so far this year. Thank you to the cast and crew for bringing me a burst of pure happiness in this dull 2020.