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New York'd short film review

Writer's picture: Darren TilbyDarren Tilby


Directed by: #KaranChoudhary



New York’d is a film about having ‘one of those days’; you know, the ones were everything that can go wrong does. And whilst the film suffers from a clunky script and having generally unsympathetic characters, this has quite obviously been a labour of love for the writer and director, Karan Choudhary. One we can all relate to on some level because if we’re honest, we’ve all had days like this.

We’re introduced to Sean, a typical New Yorker, and our lead after he wakes up late in bed, surrounded by takeaway boxes, a buffering porn film, empty beer bottles and what looks to be marijuana paraphernalia. Narration from Warren M. Smith swiftly follows; defining for us what it means to be New York'd: “There are days when New York City seems to open its doors to you and every single piece falls nicely into place supporting the dream that brought you to that big wonderful city. Then there are the other days...the days when those same pieces become ill-fitting sharp-edged shards ganging up against you and any goals you may have. Those are the days when the cruel heartless city itself seems to be conspiring against you. Those are the days you know you’ve been...New York’d.”

It’s a well-written introduction and leads us fluently into the film which begins in earnest. After waking up and finding no food in his apartment, Sean decides to call a takeaway and get breakfast delivered. It’s this decision that sees Sean’s fortune take a turn for the worse: leading him to become locked out of his apartment with no money and running late for a date. And things don’t get any better from there.

It’s in the character writing that the film comes a cropper. It’s not that the performances are bad, on the contrary; Karan Choudhary as Sean, Tamara Fine as Jenna and Kyle McIlhone as the Delivery Guy all give fine performances in their respective roles, whilst Smith’s narration is beautifully delivered. The problem instead comes from character development – of which there really isn’t any – and dialogue; which, unlike the unfolding of the film’s inconvenient events that lead to Sean becoming New York’d, never really feels genuine.

But it’s only because the events of the day play out so well and so realistically that this stands out as a big a problem as it does. And that’s where the film really shines. In the naturalistic flair with which these things happen. It’s all wholly believable and often all too familiar. The film also does a great job in its demonstration of how one man’s bad day can impact upon those around him; resulting in several of the cast being New York’d by the film’s end.

Under-developed characters and a contrived script set-back what is an otherwise entertaining, well-put-together and intimate piece of #filmmaking. And while the film’s issues aren’t prevalent enough to scupper it entirely they are very noticeable. Nevertheless, New York’d is an enjoyable way to spend 12-minutes and well worth your time.



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