Directed by #AntoineVillotte

Directed by Antoine Villotte, New World Open, is a short film exploring the process of a woman painting on already printed out posters that are placed on the outside wall of different buildings.
The beginning of the film begins with a voiceover, a meaningful explanation around political language, listening to this, the audience would assume that the woman’s paintings have a political meaning to them. From the beginning, we see the woman preparing to paint. The choice of scenery can be looked at as quite significant, the audience does not gain an understanding of why this exact location was chosen until the end where the audience are left to decide for themselves. The fact that there are no explanations within the film, portray an interesting and creative way to engage with the audience and leave them questioning to what the paintings are about, why the woman is painting in that exact location and what the paintings means to her.
When watching this short film there were a few significant moments that the audience would find interesting. The first one is the way the film was made, Villotte uses time laps to capture the woman painting which is useful because the audience can see how long it took for the woman to paint, including the process. The second part of the film is the scenery such as cars, bikes, and people passing by the woman while she creates her art work, this sets the scene as a casual night in a busy area. The last part of the film that the audience would find significant is the soundtrack, the lyrics bring out a deep meaning while watching the woman paint, it is as if Villotte purposely used that specific song for the audience to examine a deeper meaning behind the woman’s artwork.
The use of the street light enhanced the film’s brightness, it made it clear for the audience to watch the woman paint, this is significant as the film was shot during the evening/night.
Watching the woman paint, the audience will gain an understanding of her character, she is artistic, talented, creative and passionate.
Looking at other films created by Antoine Villotte, he enjoys telling his stories through a creative way, which is a powerful and unique way to engage with the audiences. New World Open, is a visionary, clever, deep and interesting film created with a lot of hard work, talent and passion. This film is absolutely worth the watch, and it will inspire other filmmakers on how to tell their stories using a creative method.