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I'm Not In Love film review


Directed by: Col Spector

Written by: Col Spector, Radha Chakraborty

Starring: Al Weaver, Cristina Catalina, Morgan Watkins, Tessa Peake-Jones

Film Review by: Jason Knight


I'm Not In Love movie review

A story about a man who struggles with the idea of getting married and having children.

I'm Not In Love movie poster
I'm Not In Love movie poster

Rob (Weaver) is in a relationship with Marta (Catalina), although he is not sure if she is the right one for him. He has friends who are in relationships and have children and he does not know if that is what he wants. One day, he overhears Marta saying that if he does not propose to her, she will leave him. This causes him to start dating other women, which does not lead anywhere. Eventually, his relationship with Marta deteriorates and he realises that he might have been looking at things the wrong way.

This comedy-drama explores themes regarding family, relationships, marriage and parenthood. It follows Rob, as he attempts to find himself and get what he wants out of life. It argues how one can know who the right person is for them and whether marriage and children are for everyone.

The script is humorous and dramatic. Ther are plenty of awkward scenes and jokes and the narrative has its moving moments. The dialogue is well written and the characters are interesting. The plot is intriguing and makes the audience want to know what the outcome is going to be.

Weaver leads the film well as the protagonist. He is rather convincing as a socially awkward, insecure individual, whose perception of marriage was influenced by his father at a very young age, and now that he is an adult, he is afraid of commitment. Catalina delivers a great performance as a religious person, who wants a family but is having trouble understanding Rob. Watkins has a good supporting role as Rob's friend Chris, who is confident with women.

Generally, this film is well made, with strong acting and Spector does an effective job as the director. One scene in particular deserves special mention. It consists of one long take and takes place inside a church. The long take is very well executed and the acting is superb by both performers, which make this an outstanding part of the movie.

I'm Not In Love asks questions that people might find themselves having trouble answering: 'Who is the right person for me?', 'Do I want to become a parent?'. It is a tale about love and self-discovery. It is an enjoyable and thought-provoking movie that is worth experiencing.

I’m Not In Love will be available to rent & buy on Digital from 12th April


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