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Hangover Food Short Film Review


Directed by: #RossMcGowan

Short Film Review by: #ChrisBuick


Lee (Hepburn), struggling to remember the night before the morning after, feels for sure that he might actually be dying. A hyperbolic statement many have convinced themselves to be true after a heavy night, however, Lee might not be exaggerating at all. In fact, it might already be too late for him. But that isn’t going to stop his best mate Bruce (McDonald-Kelly) doing whatever he can to get him out for yet another night on the town.

Hangover Food is a film that has so much going for it, a perfect blend of elements from a trio of filmmakers/performers with so much talent it's sickening, resulting in another gem in the impressive collection of works from award-winning production company Deadline Films. The mixture of the mundane with the macabre in its humorous alternatively-living premise may bring about fond recollections of What We Do in the Shadows, while the quick pans complete with sound effects and split-second action cuts of the menial such as the brewing of a cup of coffee seem right out of the Edgar Wright school of filmmaking. But make no mistake, Hangover Food is a film that stands firmly on its own two feet, maybe even balancing on one just to show off.

The films slick editing as well as the natural ease with which the tone moves from light to dark and all the shades in-between not only ensures the film sails along seamlessly along at the most enjoyable pace, but also means it never feels stagnant either. Its water-tight script is teeming with zippy dialogue that is a constant delight of quippy back-and-forths and hilarious one-liners, exploding like mini fireworks throughout the uniquely melodic Scottish patter, not to mention having a few twists and turns along the way and a garlic bread gag which could not have been a more perfect sign off.

"Eat some pizza and think about what you’ve done. "

But a great script relies on a great delivery from its cast and luckily, the joyous rapport between Hepburn's expired and unwilling Lee and McDonald-Kelly’s exuberant and unwitting Bruce means practically every exchange between the pair is a joy to watch, whether it’s about dubious fashion statements, coffee snobbery, girls or Lee's current living status, both gentlemen turning out their very different roles with the same incredible level of gusto and flair.

Unerring from the first second to the last, Hangover Food pretty much accomplishes everything it sets out to and more. Funny, dark and saddening when it's over, the fact that this genius short is now being developed into a full feature is nothing but good news.


Watch the trailer for Hangover Food here:


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