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Faro Short Film Review

Matthew Sawyer


Directed by #TonyOgunyinka

Written by #JdRothRound


Movie poster for Faro

Morgan Freeman once said in a fairly well known film “How often do you look at a man's shoes?” Well in the case of Faro, quite a lot. This film is a gritty short set within the confines of one interrogation room. Agent Villinski (Roth-Round) interrogates Danny Benson (Beeston) in the hope of gathering information about the infamous Mr Gracey and what he and his organisation are up to.

The director Tony Ogunyinka does a very nice job with this film. It delivers a dark tone that is consistent and with interesting dialogue from Roth-Round’s script, it is very similar to something you might find in a Tarantino film. Unfortunately, that is where the similarities end. With a Tarantino film, you know you’re going to get something different and this film does not deliver that. The ending has a decent twist but it shows its hand a bit too early. As soon as the word “shoes” is mentioned you can easily see where the story is going and it does nothing to avert your expectations.

Neither of the actors involved give what you’d call a perfect performance. The acting can come across as a bit hammy in places but both Roth-Round and Beeston give good performances for the most part. Roth-Round manages to keep up his accent throughout the film and really sells himself as a no-nonsense agent; we can really feel the frustration as he presses Danny for information. Roth-Round definitely gets the juicier of the parts, but Beeston manages to hold his own and is never over-shadowed in any screen time the pair share together.

The film gives us a very nice score, using various instruments throughout to make us feel the different emotions. The cinematographer Henry James Vinten uses the camera well and we are treated to some stunning aerial shots of London right from the very beginning and everything he does serves the story well. Although, the biggest problem with this film is the story, as I mentioned the twist is interesting but then the film just ends. We get no resolution or consequences and you can’t help but think, what was the point of the film? Sure, it’s entertaining enough but no one learns a lesson or finds anything out about themselves. The premise of the film is interesting and location is great but I feel like somewhere there was a better story to tell.



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