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Coincide short film

Directed by DejFM

Starring Jessica Price and Lawrence Folashade

Short Film Review by Owen Herman

Coincide short film review

Coincide is a short film from writer/director DejFM that aims to tackle some of the stigmas surrounding depression in the modern world. The story follows two old classmates as they meet by chance in a bar, and begin to reveal some of their private problems. This is clearly a very personal film, made to highlight issues the makers feel are important and need discussion. Coincide is a great example of how, without the pressures that are normally associated with feature filmmaking, short films are an excellent medium for creators to express their honest opinions and beliefs.

Depression is a big and sometimes controversial topic, but Coincide manages to navigate it well. With the two differing protagonists, the film manages to tackle this topic from separate perspectives. Lawrence Folashade plays the ex-class clown who has seen success both with school popularity, and with work in the real world, but without the expected and usually associated happiness. Jessica Price plays the burnt-out smart girl struggling with pressure. Both characters are seemingly the opposite of each other, yet share some of the same devastating problems. By approaching these issues from these separate perspectives, DejFM achieves his goal of highlighting how depression can affect anyone. The two central performances are strong, helping the characters seem believable, something which is very important with something that affects so many. Jessica Price, in particular, is outstanding.

Technically the film is well-made, my only complaint would be some dialogue that felt a bit on-the-nose, but it managed not to detract from the overall message. The editing and cinematography are particularly solid, with a couple of clever little moments. The first of these moments to watch out for is a jump-cut between getting ready and being out, which manages to not only keep the film running at a quick pace, but also masks a dark moment that is revealed later for maximum impact. The second is a brief but memorable shot of the two characters drinking simultaneously, highlighting the fact that they, unexpectedly, share similar demons. These kinds of interesting moments that stick with you allow films to be elevated above the ordinary, so it they are always really pleasing to see.

Simply put, Coincide manages to tackle a relevant issue in an interesting and engaging way. DejFM has managed to tell a story that is clearly personal and important to him, something that should always be welcomed.

Watch the official movie trailer for Coincide below...

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