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Birth Right short film review


Written and Directed by: #InbarHoresh

Short film review by: Brian Penn

Birth Right short film review

In a world charged with racial tension relocation seems to be a loaded concept. But Birth Right explores the concept with more pragmatism and belief that Israel is the true home place of all Jewish people. Natasha (Nataliya Olshanskaya) has joined a coach trip to promote the immigration of Russian speaking descendants to Israel. A complicated home life makes Natasha wonder if life might be better in sunnier climes. However, a non-Jewish mother might limit her options if she relocated to Israel.

The group arrive and are met by two Israeli soldiers, who extol the virtues of life in the country. All the girls on the trip fall for Shlomi, the handsome combat soldier. But Natasha catches the attention of a less confident and diffident soldier. As they talk into the night under a starlit sky, they discover much in common. But is relocation the answer to Natasha’s problems?

The film leaves a maddening series of loose ends that need resolution. Director Inbar Horesh sees fit to leave the narrative hanging on a thread. A twenty minute film admittedly allows little time for a deep dive into the narrative. There should be some reward for the viewer but ultimately the film redeems itself. A bleak existence in a former Soviet bloc country might not hold a candle to the constant summer of the Middle East. But does it provide a 4th generation Jewish girl with hope emigrating to one of the world’s most volatile regions? This juxtaposition of choices is a fascinating proposition; it feels like an almost impossible choice as we realise how much trouble there is in the world. With fires starting everywhere we care to look who would dive into unknown territory. It’s this dilemma explored in the narrative that wins this film an extra star, and reminds us the grass isn’t necessarily greener on the other side of the fence.

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