Directed by: #AnthonyRusso, #JoeRusso
Produced by: #KevinFeige
Starring: #RobertDowneyJr., #ChrisEvans, #ChrisHemsworth, #ScarlettJohansson, #JoshBrolin

It was a big ask to pull this off. 11 years. 22 films. More beloved characters to reconcile than it seemed possible.
Is Avengers: Endgame the Russo masterstroke every #Marvel fan has spent the last 12 months praying for it to be? You bet. In every way.
Infinity War saw our heroes reduced to a considerably small number as big bad scrotum-chinned Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe. The line-up for Endgame was unapologetically whittled down to the originals and a select few others (thank Odin’s beard we get to see Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man back on the team).
The Avengers are beaten and broken, stuck between acceptance and hope, but in coming together once more, they choose to focus on the latter of these. Their mission? To bring back those they lost by any means – whatever it takes!
Avengers: Endgame is fiercely funny, emotional, but beyond all…clever.
The more you consider what the Russo brothers have ‘assembled’, the clearer it becomes that the film is intricate, meticulously designed and downright genius. Much of what it means to be a superhero film in 2019 is predictability – but between IW and Endgame the rulebook seems to have been thrown out of the window and the result is beyond testament to the risks taken.
The first half hour seems to rush through necessity and eliminate the risk of repetitiveness – it settles the audience into a new normal and prepares them for the continued fast pace of the remainder. Past this, we are treated to Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk and co at their most watchable – even after all this time.
Standout performances seem almost unfair owing to the lack of a weak link and the competitive screen-time, even though it’s a whopping (and seemingly still too short) 3 hours. But it must be said the reasoning behind the MCU’s reliance on Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans as their flagship heroes, Iron Man and Captain America, has never been more apparent.
They are the heart, they are the humour. They are the embodiment of the Avengers.
Brolin’s returning Thanos is as tyrannical and frightening as ever. Brie Larson’s new addition, Captain Marvel, inserts herself into the team nicely but not overbearingly so. The seemingly strange remnants of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Rocket (Bradley Cooper), are no accident.
Endgame was always going to be defined by the strength of it’s long-standing characters and the ability of the directors to provide satisfactory conclusions to all of the unexpected and brilliant relationships that have been developed over the last decade. Fans have been very vocal about what is and isn’t acceptable.
But it is no slight to say that the Russo brothers leave fan theories in the dirt, bypassing them with their own Marvel magic and jaw-dropping moments. They are respectful to what has come before, whilst not-so-subtly hinting where the future of the franchise lies.
You will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer. You will want to do it all again.
Watch the Avengers: Endgame movie trailer below.