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average rating is 4 out of 5


Jason Knight


Posted on:

May 6, 2023

Film Reviews
Directed by:
Elias Avramidis
Written by:
Elias Avramidis
Paige Hudson, El Anthony
The Batman.jpg

A homeless woman and an educated man have a conversation while sitting on a bench in the Underground.


Laura (Hudson) is a beggar and she is living a harsh life. While sitting on a bench in the Underground, a well-dressed stranger named Mark (Anthony) takes a seat next to her. After she asks him for some change, he tells her that he will give her money if she has a conversation with him. The two of them have a discussion about their lives and their perspective regarding the world.


This short drama uses a chance encounter between two very different individuals in order to tell a story about society and the hardships of life. Mark appears to be curious about why Laura has fallen so low and seems eager to assist her, by explaining to her that people have a choice, that they have the power to change their life. Laura primarily disagrees with his opinions, insisting that apart from will, money is essential in order to succeed and live a meaningful life. As they talk, they get to know each other, analyse each other's flaws and end up developing a sort of rapport.


Social inequality and social class differences are major themes in this story. Mark is a psychologist, a well-respected member of society who is also a university lecturer. He is wearing formal clothing and comes across a intelligent. In contrast, Laura is an outcast, a beggar in damaged clothing who also seems to be self-aware, clever and internally strong. She looks at the world in negative ways and gives the impression that she could get herself out of her current situation, yet chooses not to. The fact that she sits on a bench in the first class waiting room seems to indicate that she wishes for better things.


Commendations go to the creative lighting techniques and the atmospheric music by Tony Halliwell establishes a sort of downbeat and sinister atmosphere. The filmmakers utilise interesting sound effects, particularly during the first scene.


This short provides an insight into poverty, education, social class differences, self-awareness and the idea of moving on to better things. The acting is strong by both leads and the dramatic dialogue, along with the subjects that it covers make this film a thought-provoking experience.

About the Film Critic
Jason Knight
Jason Knight
Short Film
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