Tech to the Future
Jason Knight
Posted on:
Oct 20, 2022
Directed by:
Sandro Monetti
Written by:
Sandro Monetti
Francis Hellyer, Patrick Hessel, Michael Atar, Donelle Dadigan
A fascinating short documentary about remarkable ways in which technology is utilised in order to shape the future.
Within fifteen minutes, the audience is introduced to five technological breakthroughs in travelling, medicine and entertainment and some of the amazing individuals that have contributed to making them a reality.
The presenter is Francis Hellyer, a business leader and investor, who enthusiastically introduces the viewer to these magnificent accomplishments one at a time.
So what are these achievements then? The documentary is separated into chapters, each of which focuses on a specific product or service. First, there is Aeromobil, a company that manufactures cars that are designed to convert into aircrafts withing three minutes and can fly. Then, there is Deepcake, a talent agency that creates digital copies of celebrities and through terrific creativity, makes it look like it is actually them who are acting in a scene and not a replica. Trioscope is a company that creates a multiverse platform for storytelling that allows users to develop a cinematic and spectacular content through the use of 3D CGI painted environments, 2D animation and live-action footage. Cytovale is an organisation that utilises cell mechanics and machinery in order to discover rapid ways to diagnose diseases that develop quickly and finally there is the Hollywood Museum, which (as the name suggests) has a massive collection of movie props and film sets and the staff are hoping that in the near future, they will also have holograms of movie characters.
The innovations mentioned above are shown in action, yet it could be hard to believe that they actually exist, as they are so fascinating. Some of the individuals who are part of them include Patrick Hessel, the CEO and chairman of Aeromobil, Professor Michael Atar who works with Cytovale and Donelle Dadigan, the founder and president of Hollywood Museum. As they are interviewed, they proudly talk about their accomplishments.
Oz Koca and Skye Wallin do a great job with the editing and Elizabeth Rossi makes a significant contribution with the music.
This exciting documentary introduces and promotes products and services that will most likely change lives for the better and by doing so it also shows the fantastic things that people are capable of. Viewers will almost centaily be fascinated by what they will learn and will probably want to find out more about these outstanding innovations.