Quick Brown Fox and a Lazy Big Dog
Swati Verma
Posted on:
Oct 17, 2022

Directed by:
Sawyer Ique
Written by:
Swayer Ique
Swayer Ique
The font, font colour, and presentation of the title of the short film are very aptly done by the writer/director Sawyer Ique. It helps the audience understand and quickly get engaged with the content of the film. Although the animated movie is more age-appropriate for young kids, it does not specify any age limit for the creative piece and invites everyone to come along as Sawyer Ique is all set to share his vision with the viewers.
The plot of the creative piece revolves around a cute quick brown fox who tries to set up a goal for itself which is to jump over a lazy big dog but fails a couple of times. The fox still doesn’t give up, even if it takes a long time, a few days, months, years, or even a lifetime even when it grows up from a young pup to an older mutt.
Sawyer Ique utilizes a single long shot along with some transition shots to summarize the narrative. He uses a combination of brown, white, green, blue, black colours to design the animated piece. The set design has been kept natural to mirror the habitat of the jungle. The background score compliments the creative piece and also motivates the viewers to learn from the fox. The piece doesn’t have any dialogues but the subtitles are on point ensuring that the continuity is maintained. The animation of the film highlights the raw nature of the script and keeps the viewers hooked to it.
Sawyer Ique plays the role of both the quick brown fox and a lazy big dog. He uses different body language and facial expressions for playing each character. The contrast between the fox and the dog is brilliantly showcased in the comedy film so that the audience has the power to decide on what side they want to be on.
Quick Brown Fox and a Lazy Big Dog talk to its audience about working hard with perseverance to achieve the task at hand. One should have the courage to overcome all the odds without thinking about the time or the fear of failure. Enthusiasm, fun, and living freely are some of the traits that are worth learning from small children and babies. The animated movie also discusses the satisfaction one feels when there is a sense of achievement after doing a certain job.
To conclude I like to appreciate the varied animation film projects on his YouTube channel he has managed to build a fan base among little children who watch a lot of cartoons and thus he is continuously working on imagining new themes to keep his primary viewers happy. The audience in recent times is looking for happiness and a reason to escape real life for a few hours and Sawyer Ique's creations provide just that. It has a lot of life lessons and animation is the best way to educate children without sounding preachy.