Predators Don't Like Attention
Jason Knight
Posted on:
Sep 26, 2024
Directed by:
Emmanuel Lee
Written by:
Emmanuel Lee
Emmanuel Lee
A man in the United States claims he is being menaced by aerial threats.
This feature documentary centers on a Emmanuel Lee, who believes that some organisation is after him and he decided to turn his ordeal into a documentary, resulting in an intriguing and also disturbing viewing.
Lee is a former licensed architect who moved to Los Angeles in 2018 for a new start after having worked for the Department of Defence for a long time. However, in 2021 he began experiencing odd and sinister occurrences. Eventually, he became convinced that some people have targeted him and utilise aircrafts with directed-energy weapons in order to get to him. He tried relocating to other cities in California including Sacramento and San Francisco in the hope that he will not be pursued anymore. When this failed, he even tried to flee to Canada as a political asylum seeker.
Basically, Lee believes that some people are using helicopters, drones and small planes in order to harm him with electromagnetic fields. He suspects that the ones who are doing this to him work for either law enforcement or the government. And efter a while, he made the decision to begin filming his experiences with the intention of making people aware of the danger.
Filming seems to have been executed via Lee's mobile phone camera and the vast majority of the feature consists of footage of aircrafts that are supposedly following Lee. Lee himself is only seen briefly as he films himself and addresses the viewer. Staying with the visuals, the filmmaker also adds his online interaction with an artificial intelligence, where he seeks answers and he also reveals vital documents that include a letter addressed to President Joe Biden. There is also concept art that shows drawings made by Lee that depict what he states he witnessed, such as the up-to-no-good aircrafts.
The documentary plays out almost like a thriller, with Lee narrating his extraordinary story, explaining how he is constantly stalked by aircrafts that attack him from a distance with some sort of energy that he claims causes chest pains and headaches and how he attempted to reach out to the police and the government but to no avail. However, how credible are the events that he describes? For instance, how could someone be convinced that the aircrafts are actually following him when they are filmed from a considerable distance and do not seem to be approaching him? How could anyone believe that Lee was affected by energy weapons when there is no physical evidence such as scars or traces of wounds? Why would people be after him anyway? One might doubt the credibility of Lee's story.
Frequently throughout the film, the same dramatic music is heard. Presumably, this was done for dramatic effect, nevertheless, the effect it has is just awkward and repetitive.
Could Lee's statements be true? The events that he describes, his theories that a group of people are using aircrafts equipped with energy weapons in order to harm others from far away is certainly frightening and hard to believe. The religious former architect's documentary is no proof that these sinister occurrences are actually taking place.