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Orchid Moon

average rating is 3 out of 5


Jason Knight


Posted on:

Jun 29, 2023

Film Reviews
Orchid Moon
Directed by:
Lewis William Robinson
Written by:
Lewis William Robinson
Jake Waring, Nicole Evans, Ruchika Jain, Grahame Edwards

Following a terrible event, a man struggles to move on with his life.


By utilising a nonlinear narrative, this one-hour-long film the effects that a devastating incident has had on a young man named Harry (Waring). Clearly a troubled guy, Harry attempts to find solace by drinking at a pub (until he is banned) and spends a great deal of time by himself, contemplating the past, particularly his former relationship with Clementine (Evans) and he is frequently visited by Mrs Chandra (Jain), who is supporting him through hard times. As he battles his inner demons, he must find a way to resolve the issues and find closure.


Shot in black-and-white, this feature is a mix between psychological thriller, neo-noir and surrealism. Harry is an emotionally unstable and lonely man, who is damaged by Clementine's demise and might even be contemplating suicide. Things get more sinister as he gets his hands on a gun and is pursued by men in black suits and white masks and reality blends with fantasy during scenes that might be real or a dream, reflecting Harry's confusing state of mind. The screenplay cuts back and forth in time and explores the protagonist's life which is going downhill and reveals the reasons that led to his current state. There is plenty of drama, tension and also heart-warming scenes that show the bright side of life.


Waring's dramatic performance creates an individual who is broken and dealing with loss. Although currently a loner, he receives comfort from Chandra and Geoff (Edwards), the owner of the pub that Harry frequents. Clementine has more or less become a ghost in Harry's life, whose passing has become the source of his misery.


Director Robinson is quite creative, utilising mirrors in order to develop some interesting shots that might symbolise Harry's need for self-reflection. There is also use of slow motion during a lengthy scene.


The music by Tom Althorpe is sometimes sentimental and sometimes sinister and includes wonderful piano melodies. Interestingly, there are sequences where diegetic sounds disappear and only non-diegetic music is heard, making the scenes quite beautiful.


This film explores a variety of themes, including mental health, loss, loneliness, alcoholism and self-reflection and points out the idea that one should overcome their troubles and move on. It is a psychological drama and a crime thriller but more than anything, it is a character study that enters the mind of a damaged person.

About the Film Critic
Jason Knight
Jason Knight
Indie Feature Film
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