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Gus Should Get The Girl

average rating is 4 out of 5


Jason Knight


Posted on:

Sep 29, 2023

Film Reviews
Gus Should Get The Girl
Directed by:
Jozef Raiche
Written by:
Jozef Raiche
Marcel Raiche, Kayla Kelly, Joey Lundholm
The Batman.jpg

A teenage boy tries to prepare himself for an upcoming date with a girl.


Gus (Raiche) is nervous. He is by himself, sitting at a table in a restaurant, waiting for his friend Tim (Lundholm) to arrive and help him rehearse for a special meeting with a girl. Tim is running late and instead, his mother (Kelly) shows up, explaining that her car broke down nearby and she knew that her son and Gus had arranged to meet here. She sits down with Gus and they chat. However, Gus is really keen to make a good impression on his forthcoming romantic encounter and decides to test his interact-with-a-girl skills on his buddy's mum.


Filmed at B's Country Cafe & Catering, Iron Mountain, Michigan, this light-hearted short comedy focuses on a preparation for a date that turns into an awkward situation. Gus has clue cards with him that contain brief instuctions on how to behave with a girl (such as to be funny and talkative) and a chemistry book (probably a metaphor for creating romantic chemistry). As he spends time with Tim's mother, he lights a candle, follows the cards and attempts to be sociable and humorous, to practice a bit before the big show later on. The result is an awkward interaction, with Gus being ridiculous and his mate's mother feeling uncomfortable.


As he plays the titular character, Raiche delivers an amusing performance as a teenager who means well, but clearly does not have much experience when it comes to dating and his attempts to improve by practising with an adult woman end up making him look like a fool. Kelly also deserves credit for her equally entertaining work.


Special acknowledgement goes to the light-hearted music that plays a key role in establishing a comical atmosphere.


This is a funny story about an awkward situation that is developed due to an insecure youth's stress. It is partially a teen comedy and partially a coming-of-age film that explores themes that teenagers tend to go through, such as preparing for a first date, finding romance and finding themselves and ultimately, it explains that the best way to go through life is for one to be themselves.

About the Film Critic
Jason Knight
Jason Knight
Short Film
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