F@ck This Job
Jason Knight
Posted on:
Jan 27, 2022

Directed by:
Vera Krichevskaya
Written by:
Vera Krichevskaya, Paulina Ukrainets
Natasha Sindeeva, Mikhail Zygar, Alexander Vinokurov, Anna Mongayt
An informative account of the creation and challenging journey of an independent TV station in Moscow.
This intriguing documentary explores how the Dozhd channel was founded back in 2008 by Natalia Sindeeva and Vera Krichevskaya. Dozhd is a Russian independent television channel that concentrates on a variety of topics, including news, politics and documentaries.
The film begins with Sindeeva and her team as they search for the right location for the station's studio and offices back in 2008. After a lot of hard work, the channel finally went live on April 2010 and the news they dealt with were ignored by state control media. The staff consist of determined individuals and they work well together as a team. The audience follows their efforts as they do their part to make the station successful and as they try to keep it from falling apart during difficult times.
The documentary references numerous significant events that took place in Russia from 2008 onwards, that include the founding of Dozhd, former President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev visiting the station, the 2013 passing of a law that bans gay 'propaganda' and President Vladimir Putin's third inauguration. There is a great deal of news footage that shows people protesting, footage of politicians, including Putin, who is shown often throughout the film. Putin plays a significant part here, as the feature examines how an independent channel struggles to stay afloat in a country where he is the President.
Apart from being co-founder of Dozhd, Sindeeva is also the main owner and CEO. From all the station's employees, she is the one who is seen the most and she comes across as friendly and dynamic. A person who has a goal and is determined to pursue it. In a way, she is the protagonist whose mission is to help Dozhd blossom. There are interviews that feature individuals who work for the channel and they include Mikhail ''Misha'' Zygar, the Editor-in-Chief, Anna ''Anya'' Mongayt, a journalist, Sindeeva's husband Alexander ''Sasha'' Vinokurov and Sindeeva herself. Each interviewee speaks in Russian and they are introduced through title cards that include pink, bright letters.
The directing is good and there are wonderful establishing shots. Composer Simon Russell does a great job with the music, which effectively accompanies the images. Krichevskaya also provides narration and she does so very well.
This is a rather interesting documentary that introduces the viewer to the Dozhd channel and the people who made it become a reality. It offers an insight into politics in Russia and how Putin's actions as President have affected the quality of life there. It is also an emotional journey about pursuing a dream, going through hard times and not giving up.