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Chowdhury Saheb

average rating is 3 out of 5


Swati Verma


Posted on:

Jan 19, 2022

Film Reviews
Chowdhury Saheb
Directed by:
Milton Dey
Written by:
Ashwash M>A Chowdhary
Ashwash M .A Sarkar M.A. Hadi, Shariar Rifat
The Batman.jpg

The title of the short film- "Chowdhury Saheb" suggests it is a foreign language film. It also has connotations of royalty, nobility, power, and supremacy. The director of this cinematic piece Milton Dey weaves a suitable environment that complements the gangster/crime genre as well as the screenplay. The set design, the character arc, color palette, lighting, and costume help the makers to create a world in which the audience believes. The script written by Ashwash M.A.Chawdhury attempts to showcase the rawness of the storyline and does not glorify the gangsters and the criminals. In the chapter 1, the conversation happens between Chowdhury saheb and other person. The person in the front is kept in darkness to maintain the thrill and suspense in the scene.


The plot of the movie revolves around two gangsters who are rivals and wants to kill each other to eradicate the competition. Both of them want to prove their worth to the top boss. Whether these two are successful in the planned mission or the real situation will turn out to be very different than what was in the minds of the duo keeps the audience intrigued. Milton Dey has divided the narrative into 3 chapters. This gives a more clear perspective of the story to the audience and the viewers also understand all the hidden life lessons in the storyline.


The script is well crafted. It does not give away the suspense of the tale up until the concluding moments of the short film. All the characters are well written which adds to the beauty of the narrative. The realism element is given importance while working on the characters of the film. Each of the characters appears to have multiple layers to their personality. It would be very interesting for the audience to decode their characters and enjoy the short film fully.


The music, sound effects, makeup and special effects, all the elements effectively highlights every nuance of the gangster/criminal drama. The dialogue delivery by the actors also has been kept very natural so that it does not hinder the entire vibe of the short- film.


The only weakness with this film is the absence of subtitles. The non- Bengali- speaking audience would not enjoy the short film at the core level. The viewers don’t get to appreciate the raw nature of the screenplay. The short film, thus, tends to limit itself to a small set of audience.

About the Film Critic
Swati Verma
Swati Verma
Short Film
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