Tack (Live and Let's Live)
Jason Knight
Posted on:
Feb 18, 2023

Directed by:
Patrick Kidochukwu Iwe
Written by:
Patrick Kidochukwu Iwe
Ngozi Udenna, Yannick Davidson Annoh, Kelly Joseph, Peter Charles
A gay couple face consequences when their relationship is disclosed.
Two Nigerian young men, George (Joseph) and John (Charles) are in a homosexual relationship, which they are keeping secret. Eventually, John's mother (Udenna) and George's brother David (Annoh) find out about it and things get dramatic, particularly with John's mother. Eventually, the disapproval leads to very devastating events.
This short Indie-Nollywood film tells an emotional story about homophobia and the consequences that it can lead to. The screenplay explores the happiness that George and John are feeling when they are with each other and the healthy relationships they have with loved ones. Things take a turn for the worse when the romance is discovered and George has to deal with his brother's negative opinion about it, while John is torn apart by the effect the revelation is having on his mum, which causes him to resort to a terrible action, that in turn makes George commit a very brave act. There is a great deal of drama and confrontations throughout and there are tender scenes.
It is obvious that filming was done on a low budget, however the result is not bad and although sometimes the acting is not very convincing, it is generally decent and particular praise goes to Udenna's performance.
Music is almost constantly present and it includes some wonderful piano melodies. There are plenty of aerial shots and they look quite good.
The main theme here is homophobia, how it affects gay people and the ones who care for them. Other areas that are explored include family, support and religion. The film strongly points how wrong homophobia is and how brave people can be when it comes to saving others.