Written & Directed by: #ReshanFernando
Starring: #MarloTropeé, #DinugaDias
Writer and director Reshan Fernando delves into the mysterious with Untold Thoughts. Opening with a boy (Dinuga Dias) venturing into a seemingly vacant house, inspecting the rooms with curiosity, the viewer is pulled in with cautious intrigue. As the boy explores further, in doing so finding something his father gifted to him to keep him safe, he encounters a presence. We then see some detail behind this, explaining the reason for the girl’s (Marlo Tropeé) current state.
In a way, Untold Thoughts reminds me of Josh Lobo’s I Trapped The Devil. It sets up the tone brilliantly and even holds the viewer captive in a sense of dread and tension. The atmosphere is likewise nailed here, and the score lends a big hand in that, but the story just doesn’t deliver anything satisfying, and it’s without a pinch of resolution. I failed to grasp the true reason for this house visit in the first place. I would guess the boy and his father are moving into the house, and he isn’t who we think he is, but I’m left guessing to no avail. It certainly opens up some interesting theories, and perhaps this is what the director hopes will happen, but part of me wishes it was more surface level.
The acting is some of the best I’ve seen in a low-budget short such as this, and I was quite impressed with the skill the two young actors possessed. Though nothing grandeur, they served their purpose. Capturing the two performances is cinematographer Shithila Samadhi, who uses the light to progressively get darker and more menacing visually as the action unfolds. I found the most enjoyment in both these aspects.
Everything from the make-up and visual effects, to the directing and editing, is fantastic for a short film of this scale. Fernando did a wonderful job of setting up the tone and atmosphere within a small amount of time. If they had spared a little more care with the story and had it wrap up in a more gratifying way, as well as expanding on the murky premise, then Untold Thoughts would be truly great.