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Lonely Wolf: London International Film Festival


The Lonely Wolf: London International Film Festival was reconceived by Adrian Perez in 2020 after an inactive period, as his response for the need of a modern film festival fit for the global age. Lonely Wolf hosts 4 online seasonal competition rounds, followed by an annual week-long film festival event hosted in some of the most impressive cultural venues in London (the St Pancras Clock Tower already a confirmed venue).



"Why did I create Lonely Wolf? Because as a former filmmaker myself, I was lacking an online film festival that truly engages with its filmmakers and provides a positive experience for all regardless of your status in the competition. Lonely Wolf’s concrete pillars are its community of filmmakers and the experience we create for them.

I also recognised the need for a hybrid forward-thinking festival; one that retains its carefully-curated exhibited programme through its traditionalist annual big-scale film festival and week-long cultural event, whilst champions the online film festival arena, currently saturated by below-the-radar online film festivals." -Founder and CEO Adrian Perez

Founder and CEO Adrian Perez keeps his focus on those filmmakers who don’t top the competition as much as on those who do. Lonely Wolf came into being for the very ideal that "no wolf gets left behind"; Adrian's mission for Lonely Wolf is that it pushes beyond its principal faculties of an aspirational creative contest and carefully-curated programme, to providing a forever home and educational resource for filmmakers across the globe.

Hence the name "Lonely Wolf", renowned for granting filmmakers the rare opportunity to watch all the best films of the competition from the comfort of their home, via its members-only digital cinema; which is also accessed by film buyers and the wider industry. Lonely Wolf has set itself up to ensure every filmmaker doesn't walk away from the competition merely checking a published list of results, but see themselves nurturing their growth and passion for the craft of filmmaking in the process.

Lonely Wolf is most renowned for its mystical "wolfpack" community spirit, in the form of filmmakers' constant engagement with and affinity for the brand, through their UGC content and sendings of celebratory howls via social media. Every filmmaker upon entering the competition is invited into the festival's secret "wolfpack" group, which includes some renowned Emmy and BAFTA award-winning members. Here’s a film festival championing the online arena for managing to create the buzz and networking opportunities only annual venue-held festivals are capable of. Your online networking at Lonely Wolf can take you from meeting like-minded passionate filmmakers and potential collaborators; to meeting your next investor or having your film exposed to a potential film buyer who will grant you a distribution deal; to making friends for life.

Lonely Wolf is perfect: it’s most prestigious for hosting its annual week-long carefully curated programme and cultural event in some of the most spectacular cultural venues in London (the St Pancras Clock Tower already a confirmed venue); but then it’s also fit for the global age in that it recognises filmmakers’ desire to skip the year-long wait for their films’ results--so we simultaneously host 4 online seasonal competition rounds.

Why seasonal and not monthly? Because it’s a better balance this way.

Lonely Wolf’s online competition rounds run frequently but not so frequently they’re an easy laurel giveaway; each of Lonely Wolf’s rounds see you up against an average of 1K+ worldwide films; you’re up for a fight without an excruciatingly long wait for results. It’s a much more worthwhile competition and fulfilling experience.

Lonely Wolf: London International Film Festival
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