Film Festivals > Features

Part of our love of indie films at UK Film Review, we like to showcase some of the best UK Film Festivals and promote their upcoming events. One of the ways we do this is to partner with the organisers and offer to promote their film festival to our audience of film lovers and filmmakers. This is great content for our readers anyway and we like to work with the industry to help them out.
Often, we offer to promote their submissions page to our list of subscribed filmmakers via email and offer them discount coders for film festivals in the UK and sometimes internationally.
One recent case of this was for Grimmfest, which takes annually in Manchester. We are an official media sponsor for their UK Film Festival and we are going to be promoting the hell out of their awesome event! We have also brokered a deal with them to get 40% off the submission fee for any filmmaker who submits to their site and is a follower of UKFR. The code is UKFR2018 and is available as of the date of this post until the end of submissions - which is currently set for June 2018.
You can also find details of this offer on our Film Festivals page.
Are you an event organiser?
If you are a film festival organiser and would like to work with us in promoting your event and offering exclusive discount codes for your UK film festival, please get in touch. There is a form at the bottom of the aforementioned page.
When the film festivals are running, we also help to promote them by reviewing some of the movies which are playing, or running press releases about the event which talk about all the things available for film fans.
We utilise our popular website, as well as our social media platforms to promote festivals and can offer different kinds of methods to spread the good word.
If you have an idea you would like to run past us, perhaps you have a special anniversary for your festival coming up, let us know!