Written & Directed by: #LaurenceHills and #LucasFabbri
Starring: #KitClarke and #RosannaAdams

When a young man, alone and consumed by loss, saves a mysterious egg from being eaten in the woods he is thrown into an all-consuming cycle of madness and grief exploring moments of his past to the detriment of his present.
Oh, I really had no idea what I was in for. Egg, written and directed by duo Laurence Hills and Lucas Fabbri, is THE most exciting short film of the year. Exploring the discomforts of pain and loss, the affects of seclusion and an isolated mind. Egg digs so deep that it becomes one of those rare, mysteriously engaging and intriguing pieces of art. Think David Lynch, think Alex Garland. It seems like this film is pulling from the dark corners of cinema history. Blowing off the dust, a ragged genre re-emerges with the impeccably crafted Egg.
With no dialogue (apart from a single line, if I’m not mistaken), Egg manages to entice the eyes and entrap the mind for a whole twenty minutes, refusing to let go of its strong grip. Solely following one character for this duration is a difficult task, yet thanks to a truly spectacular performance from Kit Clarke, it seemed like an effortless one. Kit’s gradual descent throughout the film is admirably rich, showing great potential for further growth as an actor — and that’s not to say he’s not great already. I felt he had the likeness of Robert Pattinson here, and if he has attained that level of greatness now, I’m certain there are no ends to his talent.
The absence of dialogue meant an emphasis on music, and, now having watched the film, there’s no one I would have picked over James Horton. Horton’s score helps carry the narrative in the most rewarding way. A similar style to that of Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow (whom have worked with Alex Garland in the past), the intoxicating electronic atmosphere created is a worthy supplement for the film.
The stunning black and white imagery contrasts extremely well with the sequences in colour. Laurence Hills’s gripping cinematography is an awe-inspiring accomplishment, with every single movement being thoughtfully constructed. If you’re a fan of Lynch or even Garland, you will absolutely, without a doubt find Egg entertaining. The average viewer may not find any enjoyment in this, but I’m certain that cinephiles will adore it. Audio complementing visual in the best way, with solid direction and remarkable cinematography, Egg is a phenomenal achievement.