I'm an 80's kid who was brought up, like everyone else, on Spielberg and Lucas and a few funny guys from SNL. Later on came high action with futuristic robots, killer aliens and the Vietnam War but what really grabbed my attention was the comedy. As I got older I began to appreciate directorial style and a really well told story, which is something I still find essential to enjoying a movie now. I prefer to see film as an art form rather than pure entertainment and I find that a well filled frame is far more satisfying than star power or rakes of superheroes. Real life stories and the capturing of real human emotion affects me most now and I'm continually searching for things I've never seen before, or old things presented in new ways. My favourite films include Seven Samurai, Apocalypse Now, Dr Strangelove and In The Mood For Love although my Top 100 remains wide and varied and still has daft movies that I find completely enjoyable every time I watch them.
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William Hemingway
No journalism or film studies degree, I just love film.