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Join date: Dec 4, 2020


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Who'd have thought I'd end up on here as a writer? Certainly not my nan but I feel hugely honoured and priviliged to be here passing judgement on far better creative and talented people than I, mostly;)

Like a lot of people born post 70s I grew up watching TV, which meant watching whatever films were on terrestrial. This meant I grew up with an addiction to John Ford films although I never knew who he was until my late 20s. Then with the advent of VHS video tapes I got the opportunity to watch my favourite films over and over again without having to wait for the repeats. Haven't times changed.

You'll be glad to know my tastes have moved on since then and I now have pretensions towards more cerebal indie international films just with less chance of enjoying them, but you never know when you might stumble across a classic...

Julian Gaskell

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