“In Light Of Us Dying”
Review by Chris Olson
Nicholas Cage stars in this born-out-of-Bourne Action/Thriller about a CIA agent, whose 22-year-old revenge fantasy to find the terrorist who once tortured him, is kicked up a gear when he finds out that both him, and his former torturer, are both dying.
It is hard to get excited about a film like this, after a plethora of predecessors pushed the bar so high. The Euro-Thriller has a strong reputation for garnering popularity amongst film fans who, weary of Americanised action, found firm footing with their favourite American heroes taking out the Euro-Trash (Taken, Bourne, etc). However, the action-thriller has been superseded since the days of Damon. Now we need superheroes!
Dying of the Light, whilst perfectly watchable and enjoyable, brings nothing new to the particular set of skills laid out before it. Cage, a mixed blessing at the best of times, delivers a good sermon on the dying reputation of intelligence agencies and the call-to-arms that was 9/11, but this is essentially the only remarkable scene. Everything else is mild espionage and Mission Impossible padding.
Much like the CIA, Dying of the Light feels dangerously under-equipped to combat the murky situation out there. Attempting to wade into a gun fight without any ammunition. The big players in cinema at the moment won't even bother to look back at the rubble it creates with a movie like this, and rightfully so. If you’re not going to set the world on fire, move out of the way.
It doesn’t have balls like Bourne or Bond, and it doesn’t have testosterone like Taken, but what it does have is a Cagey feeling we have been here before, but we’re okay with that.
Watch the Trailer below...